Finished Folds (21—40)
1ideas vis a vis bondage gear. Then a high ear piercing sine wave started bellowing its message subliminally of Solidarity with the working men and women that make up our workforce.
1my real husband's co-ed de jour were getting knowledgeable of each other's anatomy. That was too much to take on top of the divorce talk. I shot them all with my Glock ten & lived.
2town. South Central outskirts were another thing i let fall by the wayside. The people got fed up and clamored for a recall. It looked like the recall petition had more than enough
1Poindexters. Glory to their might. Let us stand in awe at what they took from impossible to it just might. They all rejoiced and frolicked until the next terrorist attack.
2"Good morning Pasadena. Today is Saturday March 30th 2024. Our top story this morning involves Voodoo in the barrios. It's 67 and partly sunny. Here's the forecast.
4the menu a bit. Instead of perfectly spherical chickens in the stone soup we can substitute one Schrodinger's cat. Perfect for whatever level of dieting you are on. An inclination
1"Have you considered unplugging it and then plugging it in again," was the suggestion Dr. Goodfeel got when he called Support. He looked at the VCR again. Then he found Time Set.
8who can't burgle." I put the phone down as I realized I didn't have a phone in my padded room. That was ok, 911 would probably call back. "How," I asked myself, "without a phone?""
1adult diapers are sending me conflicting messages. Why do I wish I had been ragged talons scraping on the ocean's sawdust covered floor? Because I can't take watching another comme
4That went on for a few days. I was invited on Oprah. I said, "No thanks but I can give you a chicken for any potheads you know." Oprah's producer didn't appreciate me ribbing her.
2consisted of stale pretzels with something resembling cheese. The drink options kept changing but it was ginger ale. How did David Lynch know that much about me for him to dream me
4the marquee of the Unification Church across the street with the shades down. I had failed Home Economics because of my sewing. But there I was in my unitard with a PM on my chest.
4slunked over barrels and being thrown over the falls petered out at about the same time as the drought came on. If you're lucky you might find their watches in the dry river bed.
2tipped him over and dropped a load of smoking hot dung on him. "Have a great day. I mean mooooo," the cow said and rejoined the bull, Ferdinand, in the pasture. "I hate cow pies,"
3skedaddled out of town. Skedaddling was still a thing back then. As luck would have it, I didn't skedaddle far enough. I ran into Wilbur & Orville in Kitty Hawk at the beach. They
2to be closer, Gian Carlo offered me his arm while brandishing an enchanting smile. My anger vanished. The cougar in me took over. I saw where this was leading. How much could I lav
2tub antics at my father's funeral were covered. Odd of him to make me sign in my blood. He said it helped in identification. "DNA & stuff", Mustafa Lees had said, brimstone in his
2decided to take things into her own hands and set off on an expedition in search of the unheard of sea-apes of Ojeezlouise swamp. "Where's that," Little Nell asked. Grammy wasn't
2went spastic while being interviewed by an influencer who insisted on only asking questions about her various breast enhancements. Within an hour the news was that Kittie McClure
3what your condition is called." "Tomb mouth?! Me?! I certainly do not have tomb mouth you rapscallion, you." I was already in motion getting out before she could finish. The window