The best day of my life. It was a Saturday

  • The best day of my life. It was a Saturday morning when

  • my favorite cartoon in the whole wide world came on: The Flintstones! YAY! I am mesmerized by the possibility of living in the Stone Age. I want to BE Fred Flintstone!

  • My inmate then turned to me "Yeah man, I hear ya. I loved this cartoons when I was a kid. Too bad they won't play them in this god forsaken mental institution."

  • "YOU callin' me SCREWBALL?" I threw an anvil on my inmate. He went down like an accordion. I took a can of black paint and drew a hole on the floor. I gotta get out of this nuthut.

  • As soon as I filled in the circle with the thick black paint a hole appeared and I jumped in feet first. The air whistled in my ears as it rushed past until finally..

  • I landed feet first into a big pile of white paint, as I stood up and tried to wipe off the paint I happened to notice I was....

  • wearing my older sister's favorite jeans. Oh no how will I get this paint off. I quickly

  • bedazzled my sister's jeans in the hopes that she wouldn't notice the splotch of paint. This, however, led her on a road to destruction. Here began her addiction to the bedazzler.

  • She bedazzled everything around her, and everyone around her. The weirdest thing she bedazzled was a _______.

  • snowman. The snowman was bedazzled all over and he looked beautiful. She was so happy to have a shiny, bedazzled snowman. The next day she went outside and the snowman had melted!!



  1. AndrewB73 Feb 07 2015 @ 18:25

    Classical Folding Story.

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