Everyone you did it. You should

  • Everyone you did it. You should

  • 1
  • That's what Nike was always telling me to do. Every time the murderous urges come. The insatiable screeching violins of bloodlust come. The nike billboard outside my office tells

  • Me to just do it! Oh Nike only if knew what you were telling me to do. Like the other day when I was in my office and my boss was yelling. I looked up and saw just do it. And I kil

  • led a bottle of scotch right there. Just downed it and screamed, "Ta Daaaa!" right in my boss's face. She said, "You dumb son of a bitch. In thirty seconds you'll be drunk and you

  • never turned in your TPS reports." I calmed replied "Sue, you ignorant trollop. Allow me to retort." I proceeded to chug a second bottle of Chivas right in her face and felt

  • a twinge of anguish that the Chivas didn't end up in the retort as we had planned. Chivas tastes like an old ashtray up your nose. But distilling it should up the proofs. Sue grab

  • would be a terrible name for distlled spirits. So we chose "Rechiv", hoping of course that nobody would see that it was just double-ditilled Chivas.

  • Double-ditilled Chivas was far more complicated to make than distilled Chivas, and was a two-people-who-like-to-live-dangerously job, similar to the lab work in "Breaking Bad".

  • i love that show



  1. 49erFaithful Aug 28 2011 @ 18:54

    I can picture it vividly. Ta Daaa!!!

  2. m80 Aug 29 2011 @ 22:48

    omg, I agree! It makes me laugh every time I read it. That whole section--from moralend through jaw2ek is just a gem!! I love the way you guys played off each other. Charming, clever and hilarious.

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