"Cindy, you're not eating your fruits and

  • "Cindy, you're not eating your fruits and veggies." Despite the house-cams, Cindy said: "That's right, Mom. Because I don't want to become a pod person like you and Dad." Her Mo

  • ngolian pen friend had sent a package with gifts and 6 new letters to read. Cindy excitedly ran up the stairs with the package to her bedroom and ripped the brown paper parcel open

  • . It was the usual Mongolian stuff: smoked horse anuses, plant holders made from congealed horse milk and... what was this? A dried eyeball set in a gold locket. Cindy put it over

  • her neck while munching on a smoked horse anus. Suddenly she felt compelled to utter "Mən hisə verilmiş at göt am", and, in a flash of light and a roar of thunder, she became

  • an amazing walrus beast, skilled in all matters of bakery and human resourcing. Yes, it was just as the legends foretold,

  • A great Pastry Walrus. He could make a croissant with one flipper and a petit four with his other. But his wife was gluten intolerant. The only thing they had in common was sex.

  • This was because his wife was actually a man. Heshe shaved hisher face 4 times a day and spoke in falsetto. Heshe was the manliest thing Pastry Walrus was into. Pastries and breads

  • , pasties and heads... What did it matter? If two consenting walruses want to marry, have children, shave together, what business is it of ours? Pastry Walrus rubbed his whiskery

  • fiancé reassuringly. "You are the jelly in my jelly donut," he would say. Pastry Walrus did not have a way with words, but Poetry Walrus loved him all the same. "You may

  • butter my scones any day." "Okay, now that's just getting weird." "Poetry /is/ the art of seduction."



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