I closed the door and yelled "Honey I'm home!

  • I closed the door and yelled "Honey I'm home! Boy, that shower BJ is REALLY going to hit the spot today. If you don't mind I'm just going to get a lot drunk first." Then

  • Honey came in and said, "Sorry dear, but I had a sandpaper accident." She smiled, revealing suddenly razor-sharp teeth. I shuddered. "Actually Honey, just the beer would be nice."

  • She then took off her hat and there they were.. The horns of death. She started walking towards me slowly with her razor sharp teeth sticking out of her mouth. As I stood up and

  • It's called a period

  • and the blood was flowing like wine was flowing out of the French. We were all disgusted.

  • Of course, the disgust ended quickly as the show went to commercial break. "Man, I love Shark Week!" For what it's worth, the guy who was bleeding ended up

  • dead . He had no one to blame but him self. She felt such a

  • small amount of pity she thought it was gas. He was dead from his own stupidity. She'd even forewarned him that

  • It would lead to his untimely demise. Turning with disdain she sauntered away from the still twitching corpse and turned her thoughts to more important matters such as

  • whether she should wear it was acceptable to wear a faux mink coat with poromeric imitation corinthian leather gloves this fall.Her conscience didn't permit her to wear animal skin



  1. SlimWhitman Aug 27 2011 @ 04:55

    arggh.. stumbled over my editing. *sorry*

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