As I I lay in the grass with my feet up the

  • As I I lay in the grass with my feet up the air, I noticed that my blue suede shoes blended in with the night sky. I tapped my heels and spoke the ancient words.

  • Of peanut butter, banana, and rum; of pompadours, pills, a quick guitar strum; bring back The King, his ghost I call here; bring back The King, Elvis now shall appear!

  • A jeweled claw ripped through the dirt. Vulcan fires and sulfur escaped. The ring on the claw said "TCB." The monstrosity was half human and demonic beast. Evil Elvis

  • cackled and moved towards me. "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog" Evil Elvis uttered in a horrifying tone. I backed away, but ran into a Demonic Version of James Dean. I picked up

  • Evil Elvis' arms from the floor,and started beating Demonic James Dean with them but I was no match for Idol Zoombies...I was doomed!But Mr.T and the A Team came in to the rescue

  • as they always do, as they had graduated from the hallowed halls of our very own Art Institute! T produced a bazooka and leveled everything in sight, including the retrospective of

  • The great robo - artist King Kong Jr. The fragments of his kitchen robots made from his humans' old kitchen utensils rebelled and flew all over manhattan.

  • It was a slow news day but the 24 Hour News Cycle didn't stop. A bored Politco blogger heard about King Kong Jr's rebel kitchen utensils and blogged about Mobility & Rebellion. She

  • suggested that the tax payers fund the creation of a giant blender into which King Kong Jr might be lured, and then pureed into mutant gorilla smoothies. Other bloggers found this

  • to be a bit eccentric and something unlikely to meet PETA approval. Instead, a committee of gorilla awareness volunteers decided to lure King Kong Jr. with bananas. Stay tuned!



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