Come on, people...FOLD...FOLD...FOLD... The

  • Come on, people...FOLD...FOLD...FOLD... The Foldmaster cracked his bloody whip. What used to be an innocent hobby has become a torturous journey.

  • The FOLD ie The Friends of the Lake District chanted and waved their banners as the Foldmaster instructed the FOLD members on how to hike to Lake Windermere without

  • concern for innocent grasses trampled. The Friends Of the Lake District listened to the Foldmaster. They set out in a semi-circular direction over a mottled hill to the Lake.

  • It was tragic, that patch of quicksand, couldn't be helped. I told the officers that I had tried to help, but to no avail. Eventually they had to let me go. Perfect.

  • But then I realized I left my wallet at the scene of the "accident." I waited 'til it was safe to return and found it, stuck in the quicksand. I had to act quickly but methodically

  • , actually I never understood why it's called quicksand, I mean my wallet was stuck just where I dropped it. In fact I don't remember trapsing through quicksand after the "accident

  • " however my feet were bare and filthy. My boots were long gone, lost in the murky depths. I used a tree branch to pull the muddy wallet out of the quicksand. My photo id

  • was unrecognisable and my money was all soggy. I had lost everything to the quicksand. Everything but my trusty companion, Dave. Dave the lion. Dave gently roared an understanding

  • . I started off towards home but Dave didn't follow. That's when we both realised it. His hind paws were stuck in the quicksand and he was sinking fast. I grabbed Dave by the mane

  • and tried to pull him out. But as I pulled he started to sink even deeper. I realised that I couldn't feel my feet, they were stuck as well. Suddenly everything went dark, sticky.



  1. PurpleProf Jun 30 2015 @ 18:38

    Some stories get stuck sometimes too...

  2. SlimWhitman Jul 02 2015 @ 04:18

    Yes, this one oozed it's way through story-telling treacle for over 2 years, but in quicksand - slow and steady wins the race.

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