FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
16His business card next to the glogg. I made an appointment for next week, the earliest date. By then, I am supposed to have polished off half the glogg. Shark Lady stopped by too.
10The density of a lap cat increases proportional to the distance an owner is from a remote control.
11in solitary focused samadhi. Lima Beans are the zen monks of legumes, the keepers of pulse wisdom. A wisdom almost lost in the great Bean-o-clism. It all started with Kidney beans
18I phase in and out of reality on my living room couch. I grab the edge of the coffee table and then take an unexpected tumble onto the shag carpet. This trash can may look small,
10I propose that the town of "North Pole" shall be henceforth known by the name "Ho! Ho! Ho!" Furthermore during voting on this measure affirmation shall be indicated by the phrase