FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10t and it seemed like a constructive enterprise to wander, off-their-heads, along the coastline laughing and making marks and lines on what they would later call a map. "Not worth f
11wasn't as big as his salad fork, and mine relied on vulnerable OpenSSL securities. The Minotaur had a necklace of many salad forks, and it was truly the grandest of all.
10--" "Hold on a sec. By putting those quotes around 'take off your underpants' do you mean not literally take off your underpants, but 'take off your underpants' nudge nudge?"
10as she careened wildly through the Mall of America, spray-painting designated not-to-exceed lines on benches and placing bench hogs under citizen's arrest. When she tried to detain
10live through the night," the Dr. said gravely. His assistant nodded. "That makes sense." The Dr pocketed the compact electromagnet, and his staff readied me for abdominal surgery