FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10However, this acorn was not an acorn. it was a cluster of nanotechnology, programmed to stimulate luck! however, it was also programmed to destroy the human race. How i knew this,
10and mooed loudly. "My apologies, ma'am," I said, stepping out of the queue. I didn't have time to wait for the cows to manoeuvre themselves into the tiny bathroom. I squatted down
11he descended the gangway & resolutely entered the customs station. "I am bringing this suitcase of mine in on a citizen's arrest!" he announced dramatically, "It contains heroine!"
10ed CLUNK straight into a lampost. He hit his head so hard, he went into a coma for 17 years. When he woke, he had no memory...only a faded photograph of the girl he once loved.
11my existence at all. Maybe all of this was real life and my boring drone of a life was just a series of consecutive fantasies. So I took another, and another, and another...