FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10I know I went to confession just this morning, but a lot can happen in just a few hours. Father, It all started when I met Sister Emma at the bookstore and offered her a Cappuccino
10was enough to remind me of grandpa. Ah sweet disgusting grandpa. He was the one that taught me that "this" is not "that." But he was gross. He had swollen legs.
11a rash and embarrassing odor. The Captain called Dr. Derriere's office to complain and got his receptionist, Toni Tennille. They talked a good, long time while the Chairman steamed
14ed salad fork was all I had with which to defend myself, and surely the Minotaur had five, maybe ten, forks at least! I was doomed. And my fork was slowly warming. The labyrinth
10Was a cat in a bookshop. His job was sniffing the books and greeting customers. He even guarded the sidewalk against dogs. Next, he had what could be called a Gemini dream.