FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was doughy, compact, had a long shelf life. Sure it was squishy but is also cheap. People didn't love it, but they bought it. It wa
11with knives, -Join the Navy, -Instigate jihad, -Remember the Alamo, -Forget your past, -Call your monkey, -Live for yesterday, -Give bad advice, -Buy organic, -Make a list, -Smell
10He grabbed me by the throat, slamming my head into the brick wall. "Never," he yelled, "underestimate the influence the collapse of the Ottoman Empire had on the origins of WW1!"
10Bozo smashed the windshield with his clown shoe and floored it.The other clowns in the jalopy started screaming as their wigs flew out the windows.If he was gonna get his mojo back
10the base boards inside his hotel room. He put down his pen and saw magic bean stalks growing out of his shower. He called the front desk. "Looks like you have a Narnia infestation