FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15The optometrist says "Meh, you wont' see it." The oncologist says "Meh, you won't live." The talking prune says "I could do with a drink." Silence. Total and complete silence.
10-lad and Putin had ordered the borscht. Orange blinked a few times and rolled about on his chair as he remembered how he had gotten there. The limo driver had been surly. Could it
11Slappy the Mad Clown, Custer, Mrs. McGurk, the Asian woman. And all of the writers here are all subject to characterization. "Why do you ask?" The PurpleProf asked. The little boy
10sackcloth & ashes which used to be the go-to fashion statement for medieval atoners has been shunned by Vogue and the bailiffs are hammering on my door. They've taken the sewing
11Hiding themselves from my sight/ desperately avoiding my holy might/ offering livestock and firstborn/ to sway the fury of my scorn/