FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10started to flicker and then I saw blood running down the inside of the screen. It ran through the wire to the computer. The disc drive sprang opened & blood gushed over my cubicle
13totalitarian technocrats, eleven edible echidnas, twelve truckers trucking! Wait... was that how it's supposed to go?
11the folder. The story in this case is the author, the folder becomes the pen. There is no such thing as virtuosity, or at least there is no need for it anymore. Technology replaces
12Turgo Blipsis, the MP's assistant, watched his boss being carried out in restraints. Ever-cautious, Turgo had never mentioned the ghost cats that jumped on his bed or the mist that
11Bearnard closed his eyes in the face of the wind. The sound of water crashing around the ferry could not disturb his dream. He saw a sky, bruised with bold clouds, threatening to