FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10soft pliable items suitable for a baby to play with. The McMahan/starfish propelled itself slowly up the tunnel towards him! Ned pulled a natural rubber teething ring from his bag.
10E.g.: "Ladies & gentlemen, your captain here." <yawn> "To your right you can just make out the Sierras." <huge yawn> "We'll be arriving in L.A. at ZZzzzz.." I've also dozed off dur
15Have you ever noticed that "Arkansas" is just "Kansas" with an "Ar" in front of it?
28made him feel kind of special. Like the first time you notice a girl looking at you. Being followed was nerve racking, but this was the most attention he'd received since
10& snorted haughtily, "Ya didn't think Kermit was my first amphibian, did ya? Moi have had numerous hops in the swamp, if you get my drift." I smiled at the mega-sow & thanked my