FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13TO THIS FOLD. Peter ignored the warning, showing his complete control over the situation. He stood proud, with his hands on his hips. He was not going to let a silly fold ruin his
10and suddenly lights flashed, bells rang, and coins literally poured out of the slot machine while the old lady in polyester pants sitting next to me swooned in disbelief. I won
11that glare of despondency. "You know I karaoke when I'm brushing." Bitter, he kicked over the tree, left his missus and walked into the frigid air. Santa knew... he always knew.
14after some tiresome false modesty and further self-mythologization, eventually admits to trying to keep the story going, but not as well as StoryFascist or this next folder, who
12knew the truth. Edward Cullen was shell of vampire. His sparkly skin and day time frolics only signaled his total lack of commitment to true vampirism.