FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14time went all slow-mo and Dame May Whitty caught me as I fell. "Never mind about shaken or stirred, dear," she advised before humming a tune into my ear. She vanished as I re
13have you. In the future, we will ride personal dinosaurs, wear powder-blue jumpsuits and eat food in a tube. In the future, we will send a cow to the moon.
14a really nice emerald green double-wide trailer with a giant confederate flag draped over the top and Dorothy asked, "Is that the Wizard's place?" But the Scarecrow laughed, "Look
10ing cheese web they used instead of stretchers thanks to budget cuts. Drowning in dairy, I grasped air feebly with my hands. "My fold," I croaked as they rushed me to the hospital
10"Sarah, Totally Not a Zombie, Meets Jacob (Also Not a Zombie)." A perfect name for what was sure to be the perfect story of the path into womanhood. As he got to writing, though,