I was re-examining my RB situation (again)

  • I was re-examining my RB situation (again) for the fantasy football playoffs just as the boss walked in. I Ctrl-Tab'ed to an accounting spreadsheet but he said "Hey Bob, you workin

  • on that chart of keyboard shortcuts for me?" I switched to my smartphone to check Frank Gore's fantasy numbers as I said, "Yessir, I'll Ctrl-P it this afternoon." I would forget

  • much of that day because a micro-space ship drilled into my mind after landing in my ear. The tiny aliens mined deep into my limbic system and attached these strange looking

  • silvery bugs. They ate my bad memories & crapped out good memories. The longer I was infested, the happier I became. Once I was too blissful to mind, a million aliens lifted me up

  • and transported me to their ship. I was on my way to Better Earth; no war or conflict,no misunderstandings. Some called it heaven, but in a dark and hidden recess of my mind I knew

  • this place. I'd been there before when I was but a lad. I awoke on their ship to the tantalizing scent of Belgian waffles & fresh coffee. The ship was The Bluebird Diner, my heaven

  • is a conference room in the middle of a desert where the real rulers of the world convene to chalk out their plans for us mortals. The diner was visible from where they sat. They

  • considered getting involved in politics but instead decided to bury their heads in the desert sand. Some people might argue the conference room wasn't in the middle of the desert b

  • ut I thought it was. There was something peculiarly sandy about the place, and a few camels were loitering in reception. One asked my name, and wrote it on a small badge, which he

  • then proceeded to chew up and spit out. I wondered upon the futility of this exercise and awkwardly departed from the queue. The camels had taken over, I realized. On hump-day.



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