While shopping at the market of ideas, I

  • While shopping at the market of ideas, I passed a fear monger barking his wares. "W wants your jobs, If you elect X he will take all your Y. World will end if you don't do Z"

  • But I had my mind set on a dose of V.

  • The original sci-fi show series about aliens that pretended to be our friends but were really here to eat us was awesome. The original series too. I needed a huge dose of that b

  • rand of sci-fi from the 1950s & 60s, so I raided my friend's stash. I watched Day of the Triffids, followed by The Blob, The Thing from Another World, Earth vs. Spider, and then

  • a Tentacled Thing burst from my abdomen. It'd infected my glands to addict me to sci fi so it could learn the secret code embedded in these films in their stilted dialogue. but now

  • that I'd found the information it was after, it had no more use for me. I lay on the floor bleeding as the tentacle monster emerged out of my stomach and toward the open door.

  • "Wait!" I gasped as my life drained away. It stopped at the door, tentacles stiff, refusing to look back at me. "I did enjoy our time together." It was true and important, at least

  • to some extent. Despite the fact that my tentacled companion left me to die, he was doing so out of mercy and as a true friend. Of course, that's what I wanted to believe.

  • I sat there for what seemed to be forever. It was, in fact, forever...which is how I finally realized I was immortal. When my "friend" came back years later to visit my grave, I

  • approached from behind and tapped on the shoulder. "Remember me?" My friend turned and the wig fell off. As I looked into that ivory grin, I realized it wasn't my friend at all.



  1. PurpleProf Dec 14 2013 @ 19:46

    Oh SH*T! Great ending, Chaz!

  2. lucielucie Dec 15 2013 @ 00:36

    I loved 'tentacles stiff' haha!

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