But Iron Man was sick of the crap. Being

  • But Iron Man was sick of the crap. Being a hero though technology kind of makes you a second class amongst the heroes who intrinsically have powers, like

  • Superman or Spiderman. Iron Man was forced into the same tertiary category as Batman, who had been there so long he'd made a little house for himself out of his Bat Cape. Iron Man

  • would not settle for obscurity. He would hunt down every animator until someone would produce another episode. He would draw himself, but his laser beams kept

  • sputtering every time he pointed at the paper, and he found that he had no artistic talent whatsoever. In fact, his only real talent was for

  • pushing things over. He started with garbage cans, cows, and folding chairs. He later could knock over minivans, lamp posts, and members of congress. He formed a gang of pushers.

  • They met little resistance & expanded territory pushing over all who crossed their path until they encountered the Sock'em Bop gang, but a Pusher fell in love with a Sock'em gal

  • and betrayed his suspicious new orders to NOT protect satellites from the terrible secret of space. Pusher Bot pushed Sock'em Gal as a sign of his love for her, but could not push

  • pills on his dying grandmother. Her body was broken, but her mind and spirit remained strong. "You're a no-goodnik," she chastised. He sulked from the room, needing a pill or two.

  • Searching through his grandmother's mothball-scented purse for the pills, he came upon a photo of his long gone grandfather. His face stared mournfully from the picture, almost as

  • if to say"No! Don't do it! I don't want your grandmother here! I want eternal peace! If you give her those pills, I'll haunt your ass forever."He snapped the purse shut & ran away.



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