"In light of the untimely death of Horace

  • "In light of the untimely death of Horace the Housefly, we need to pick a new mascot." The school board surveyed their surroundings. "How about The Gazebos?" "No, we should be The

  • Wainscottings," said another, looking at the wall.Still surveying their surroundings for new mascot ideas, another board member said,"How about the Condoms?" as she rummaged in her

  • purse.Then Simmons put the two together, "A condom is sort of Wainscotting for a John Thomas isn't it?" That's how a new mascot,a big penis wearing a waistcoat of guilded boiseries

  • dipped in caramel and nuts like a candy apple became Simmons's came to be in his bathtub. Simmons shrieked and said, "I just love to say LeBlanc, LeBlanc!" But his mother was

  • unsupportive of his deep-seated oedipal issues of being confined to the bathroom. Simmons imagined his toy boat was captained by a man named LeBlanc in the caramel seas. 1st mate

  • Stanley sang "Cold Gin", hoping to attract someone's attention. The Kiss Army arrived, cocked and locked, ready to recover the toy boat. There was cold gin in their rucksacks! Yay!

  • They had to be good for something; quite frankly I found their Kiss painted faces ridiculous and slightly revolting, "Hey Stanley" I yelled, they're gonna make a play for the boat

  • . I could never watch such a play. One about boats would be boring. I pulled out a semiautomatic and mowed them down. realizing at the same time that I had put holes in the boat.

  • Margaret was the fragments of a name but the boat's name was Margaret. Even as the screams filled the night around me and the hot shells bounced off me, I could only think of her.

  • Margaret Mead. She may not have been that much to look at, but she knew plenty about making whoopie in Samoa. I didn't know which direction Samoa was, but I began swimming.



  1. Woab Feb 10 2017 @ 14:39

    This one took seven years, but it is rather charming, in a demented way.

  2. LordVacuity Feb 10 2017 @ 14:50

    Love it. Margaret Mead is a fond memory for me, thank you.

  3. Woab Feb 10 2017 @ 14:57

    I have a lot of respect for her, actually. A friend of mine got drunk with her, once. How I envy him.

  4. LordVacuity Feb 10 2017 @ 15:02

    I only had her books.

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