Have you ever noticed how many times the

  • Have you ever noticed how many times the number 87 turns up? 87? No way. Yeah, it DOES. Pay attention and you'll soon realize that there is something special about the number 87.

  • Statistics and the mind are strange things. We like to create patterns with everything like how we see a face on the moon. If we took the time to record every instance of

  • people seeing the Madonna on a burnt piece of toast, or their deceased husbands best part in the black splotch growing on their bathroom wall, we'd never believe the Rorschach test

  • but it's been proven irrefutable. Just look at this one, what do you see? "Uh, a spider?" Wrong. Try again. "A leaf?" Close. It's a bug with 8 legs. Now concentrate. How about this

  • swinging pendulum, what do you see? "I see.. ngh.." You will acknowledge my doctorate. "Yess.. Doctor.." You will hand me your wallet and stop drooling on my couch. "Give wallet.."

  • The Psychologist fished out the money, fruit stripe gum and a condom from my wallet and gave it back to me. "Ok, you will now wake up!" He snapped his fingers but I didn't come out

  • . From that point on, I had no fear. I could do anything. I headbutted my psychologist, picked up my wallet, jingled some change, and whistled a merry tune as I headed out the door

  • toward Medicine Bow. The sky turned toward evening and the stars came out. I strode between cities and cultures and villages and silences as I walked the Earth. One time I met

  • up with a friend for sojourn in the Wyoming wilderness. For miles all we heard were birds chirping, crickets chirping, and chipmunks rustling in the leaves. A hawk passed overhead

  • and I knew I had found my peace. No more city. No more women. No more lies. I was at home and I would be whole.



  1. PurpleProf Jul 11 2013 @ 01:37

    I like this ending, Berryfine!

  2. BlastedHeath Jul 17 2013 @ 00:26

    "fruit stripe gum" -- thanks! -- I had forgotten about that

  3. SlimWhitman Jul 17 2013 @ 03:40

    "I see... ngh.." LOL

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