Didn't know you had one. You should have

  • Didn't know you had one. You should have put it back. You have the warmth of a ketchup bottle at Denny's. Well go ahead and try. Just try. I'd like to see you give this

  • a squeeze and see what Mr. Whipple does. I bet you're too afraid to try. You always were and you always will

  • be a coward. Just like your mother always said. Did you really think that you could escape the cycle of soul-sucking despair that was your childhood? You continued it through

  • your own children in every way that you remembered. At each turn undermining them with your own convenient inconveniences. Any request was manipulated into a timely punishment

  • of forcing the two children onto the ground forming a Ray, placing 12 kindergarten-sized numerals around them with video camera above, and then saying, "Time for Timer!". Daycare

  • was finer when kids were a timer, as Momma Celeste used to say.

  • Victor couldn't help but wonder why there was a polar bear in this desert. He thought it possible that the mad scientist had developed this mutant in the lab, but why then, did he

  • make the plastic Icebergs sticking out of the sand. Why did mad scientists always have to go MAD. Now I would never get a proper sun tan the bergs reflected the sun in strange

  • rs eyes as they watched the scene. Of course, in my delusional state I was already sun burned 3 times over. Yet i saw nothing but pasty whiteness. I kept my watch on the penguins.

  • Being penguins and all,they all came together to get me afterall.So I ran...or so I thougth.I was stuck,trapped on thin ice!They were really going to get me!Reality sucks!



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