After several more weekend visits with Nanna,

  • After several more weekend visits with Nanna, it was clear to Kate that something was wrong with her. She went to her mum and said, "Nanna keeps repeating herself; she can't seem

  • to keep anything down for more than an hour!" Kate's mother was justly concerned. The next weekend they took indigestion tablets, telling Nanna that they were candy. Nanna downed

  • Six of them and mistakenly washed them down with white soda. The quantity of carbonation that developed from the combination,caught her off guard and she gasped for air as her eyes

  • blew from their sockets & ricocheted off the ceiling with such force that they bounced through the window smashing it to smithereens. She couldn't cry; her eyes were gone. "I told

  • you to make sure your eyes were secure" said her mother, Moreen, who had witnessed the events. She picked up her daughter's lost eyeballs from amidst the pieces of shattered glass.

  • Then she reached them to her daughter. As she grasped for the eyeballs, Moreen pulled back her arm, then flung them violently into the wood chipper. "There now," she said, "I

  • know you only eat eyeballs whole, you won't eat them once they travel through the wood chipper." Moreen said to her daughter. "MOTHER! Those were MINE damn it, I killed him, so I

  • 'll eat them ANY way I LIKE". Moreen watched as her daughter spiked a slimy eyeball on her fork. Kids, she thought, they grow up so fast. She didn't feel like arguing the point

  • Because she used to stuff her face with jelly bismarcks from the vending machines. Look who is talking, she thought. Moreen gently reminded her daughter to eat better instead of

  • risking diabetes. But she didn't listen. She died several weeks later, leaving Moreen with one less child.



  1. DanielQuinn May 07 2016 @ 21:10

    Poor Nanna…

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