Snow fell on the decrepit buildings like

  • Snow fell on the decrepit buildings like white ash, reminescent of a violent, dirty time in their past. I stood and gazed at them in the cold, hoping to not linger long.

  • She was there though; leaning out of the shadows. The light fragmented her. Deep inside, she longed for it and the warmth it brought. Her skin remembered, but burned too quickly

  • reminder her that her old life was gone. No more sunrise breakfasts. No more park on her lunchbreak. She was a creature of the night. Thank God America was a 24 hour society, she

  • Could still buy Isaak Mizrahi fashions when she needed new togs. Her life had changed, but she could still find the Target.

  • Trying to live the same lavish lifestyle on the pennies she earned in the coffee shop was difficult, but not impossible. Besides, it was only temporary. Her director called, and

  • demanded a skinny late with a cinnamon topping. She hurried to Starbucks, the thoughtfulness of her boss causing her stomach to knot. So she decided to

  • pinch some road gravel and snort it. "who's badass now?", she cried as she began to recite phone numbers and email addresses of members of Parliment. She reached for her latte,

  • and then tied their shoes,while repeating the phone numbers and email addresses of members of Parlament. She was a child of the corn pop generation. Tony the tiger said your grrrr

  • rrrr-eat! And thrust striped orange index finger into the air in exuberance. This energy is always transferred through sugary spheres of golden goodness known as

  • Pops Cereal, the breakfast of kings. And now that we know this we will never die ever again.



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