(Прима ћирилицу) Кратке

  • (Прима ћирилицу) Кратке приче - 10 линија, 160 карактера! Шта после тих карактера? Ваљда се надовезују други. Па, то је једва три линије, али добро. Ако је игра са наставком, ок.

  • Welcome to Folding Story, Grasshopper.Yes, barely three lines. Seek not to see more than one fold but to add to what you see but may not understand. In the end all will be revealed

  • . Old man kept talking in riddles. Why did he call me Grasshopper? I typed my Fold "Class is boring, LOL!" I was promptly hit by a bamboo stick. "In brevity, the broth is thin."

  • I thought about that. " But FS Sensei, your remark was very brief. Is your broth thin?" He looked into my soul and said "As thin as the Red Sea." I nodded but was really all Mmmkay

  • Olson Giddy. I call Mary Kay Olson, MKay because we're BFF. My Folding Story Sensei slapped me in the mouth with a rolled up New Yorker and said,

  • "Yabbehgagbuh Alqonuin Round Table!" I didn't understand a word. "Yes," I replied, "They ARE all dead now." Thankfully. I stole his New Yorker, tore it to pieces, lit it ablaze,

  • and flushed the ashes down the toilet."Abergandabbi" he sobbed uncontrollably and incoherently. I didn't feel at all bad, though. Instead of consoling him, I

  • walked out of the bathroom, grabbed a 5th of vodka and left him there with his ashes as they floated on top of the toilet water. I didn't need this, so I went outside. The city was

  • filled with Rihanna's music. It made me feel sexy, even though I was only 5 years old. But whatever, you only live once. I proceeded to look for a hot boy to kiss up on.

  • but my fantasy was destroyed when a truck crashed through my bedroom, sandwiching my 350 pound 50 yr old frame between 2 layers of pantyhose and the main wall to the living room.



  1. Creekey May 31 2012 @ 19:34

    Nice twist with last fold!

  2. TheRustyNun May 31 2012 @ 22:53

    Spank you! Spank you very much!

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