He was the prima dona on the assembly line.

  • He was the prima dona on the assembly line. His screw tightening was the best. Where was his favorite wrench? It needed the right amount a grease. The other workers had enough.
  • "Don, we're afraid we've given your understudy, Stu, your job," their boss said. Don sang, operatically, "Doth he know my assembly lines by heart?" Stu piped up, "Many nights I've
  • wished you dead. Now I've decided to take your job instead!" Don Peni was crushed. He took great pride in his work and decided to open his own store. He'd call it Big Peni's
  • Automotive. He'd decided to go into sales. People would come up and say all this filthy stuff to him about male genatalia which upset him. He called them dirty birds, but he had to
  • smile and pretend not to be offended every time a client made what they thought was an original penis joke - but he knew there were no original penis jokes. They've all been done.
  • The Penis Initiative was well on its way to world domination, what with everyone spewing the damn jokes like they were some popularity contest. He knew something needed to be done.
  • The leaders of the initiative set up a large gong in the middle of their respective cities. Each day they would simultaneously hit them, causing every to yell "THE PENIS HOUR!"
  • Penises throughout the nation looked forward to Penis Hour. They'd detach themselves from their owners' bodies and meet in bars and pubs to catch up, have a laugh, bond if you will
  • -though please don't try to picture that scene in your mind... oh dear... you did already didn't you? Tsk-tsk, you naughty thing. Anyway, Richard was one of them at the pub and he
  • had such a headache from all the hard work he had done that week, he was utterly limp with exhaustion. Poor Richard ("Dick" to his close friends)...I really had to hand it to him.


  1. 49erFaithful Mar 08 2013 @ 19:28

    Ah, male genitalia jokes, why art thou so hilarious. Very pleased to know that our story got a "happy ending".

  2. PurpleProf Mar 08 2013 @ 19:30

    Gee, hope I didn't rub anyone the wrong way with that ending...

  3. lucielucie Mar 09 2013 @ 04:29

    I love this story. I think I might have a smutty sense of humour.

  4. SlimWhitman Mar 09 2013 @ 09:16

    Yahtzee! All fives!

  5. sundancer Mar 09 2013 @ 17:56

    Ahahaha PurpleProf... you're hilarious! Did you know who/what Richard was when you wrote that? Because it's perfect!!! ;-)

  6. PurpleProf Mar 10 2013 @ 08:13

    Thanks, Sundancer...I suspected which storyline it was...and then you gave me the perfect set up!

  7. sundancer Mar 11 2013 @ 16:28

    P.S. PurpleProf I think it's totally weird that your icon is the same picture I use for my website 1TrueLove... an place where teen girls go to encourage and inspire each other. (I created the website over 10 years ago when I myself was a teen.)

  8. PurpleProf Mar 13 2013 @ 00:05

    Nice, Sundancer... There were no such resources when I was a teenager (so long ago)... Maybe if I had that kind of inspiration way back then my mind would not be so much in the gutter today. 'Course hangin' around college students for years and years has had its effects as well...

  9. lucielucie Mar 25 2013 @ 13:15

    Hectocotylus - a cephalopod's detachable penis. I never knew that was real. I liked the description in Wikipedia where it says the octopus 'may wrench it off and present it to the female'. I can imagine her response: "Thanks, but I'd prefer a glass of white wine." It's what I would say anyway.

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