Before I could stop myself, I jumped over

  • Before I could stop myself, I jumped over and hugged him, then jerked back and bounced on my heels. He looked amused and flustered at the same time. Surprised and elated, he put

  • my prescription on the counter and asked me to sign for it. The free blood pressure machine was empty and asking for it. I high-fived a woman looking at wart removers

  • and tried to ignore her seeping ringworm lesions as I eyed a bottle of Purel on the shelf. I heard a voice in the other aisle; it was my long lost

  • dermatologist, Dr. Carbuncle. Dr. C. took care of the nastiest of my own ringworm lesions after I had rolled naked for hours in the Camp Eczema shower stalls. I had

  • tried to cover them with band-aids when working at the organic farmers market. Anyone who rolls naked in dirty shower stalls can contract ringworm, but you don't want to

  • take those kinds of chances, do you? No, I thought not. In fact I think it's best if we just slowly back away. Maybe not mention this to Grandpa. He didn't

  • need another scare like the last time he found out about how you chickened out of base jumping. Grandpa is a man who prides himself and his family on being "he-men" if he finds

  • out that you actually have chicken blood mother's side he might make you into a pot roast. Grandpa goes volcano diving, and uses electric eels for

  • surprising fellow passengers on the train. It's like getting a soggy phallic backhand across the mouth, accompanied by an electric discharge that leaves a disfiguring mark. The eel

  • could not be blamed for this; it was his nature. Such surprises are neither expected nor welcome in First Class coaches. Yes, there would be a letter to the Editor about this.



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