OK - who here is Lady’s overprotective

  • OK - who here is Lady’s overprotective boyfriend & what did you do with her body?

  • Now is the time to come forward with the info so we can catch her killer, not later. We understand you're grieving, bit there's a killer loose and the community is in panic mode.

  • Squawkers wanted to keep his head tucked inside his wing forever. He couldn't talk about Xerenya. He knew who the culprit was: the BOYFRIEND. Squawkers felt it was his duty to trac

  • k down that lost Amazon package he ordered for her. Xerenya was always talking about those eye-brighteners from Japan. This package could save the relationship! Squawkers found the

  • package behind the dumpster where Spanky the delivery-guy tossed it. Squawkers could not wait to open it and try the Japanese eye-brighteners on himself, but upon putting them

  • on, the color clashed with his plumage. Squawkers' heart sank. He could either risk flaunting a fashion faux pas, or spend the rest of his avian days with dimly lit eyes.

  • All voguish thoughts vanished when Squawkers saw, via CCTV, a great brute with 'Lady' tattooed on his head. Her name was in a padlocked heart and crossed through! Squawking with

  • beak lust he flew out the window making a B-line for The Garden. Capt. Slash's forehead tattoo was an insult to the Lady's honor Squakwers would avenge. He tag teamed with

  • a left handed earthworm who had survived being used as bait and always talked about the evil shine in a trout's eye. He gave me a pamphlet about loving God and winked in the way

  • that couldn't help but leave one pondering how an earthworm was left handed. Or maybe he wasn't winking at all, mayhaps he was blinking. Eyepatches always throw me off.



  1. CrazyBananas Jul 17 2013 @ 09:15

    When people add Squawkers to a story it makes me giddy....

  2. lucielucie Jul 17 2013 @ 11:46

    This story was started because of the unanswered questions in this one: http://foldingstory.com/gmv5w/ We now know the boyfriend's name is Capt Slash.

  3. MangoMania Jul 19 2013 @ 15:36

    Capt Slash, that is a much more villainous name than Dr Angry Pants. Glad Squawkers is there to avenge Lady's death.

  4. lucielucie Jul 20 2013 @ 09:46

    Hang on... I've just noticed that MangoMania got more points than me even though I wrote his line. Is there no justice?

  5. CrazyBananas Jul 22 2013 @ 08:44

    All is fair in love and war and FoldingStory... :)~

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