I attached this roller skate to this severed

  • I attached this roller skate to this severed triceratops head precisely for an event such as this. Why it's perfect for

  • defending your against roller derby vampires. During the darkness of night the queen of the roller derby would rise from her coffin to

  • eat rollerskates and warn others about herself, because she would eat their rollerskates. However,

  • Chris died.

  • Then James died. His brain had atrophied from lack of use. No one attended the wake and James was buried unceremoniously by the undertaker in Mrs. Beazly's Hydrangea patch.

  • By and by the hydrangeas started to show signs of failure to thrive. James' postmortem malaise spread through his garden tomb to Mrs. Beazly who then became sedentary and dull.

  • Mrs. Beazly thought she was simply going through "the change." Never would she have guessed that James' deadly illness was the real reason she'd lost her libido. She passed germs

  • in the halls of government and antithapies at the greengrocers but it was not until she ran into Ronald Billy at The Haggis Hut that her plight really hit her.

  • She could not get oranges for the Juice Lady, who was screaming bloody murder if she didn't get fresh oranges that morning. She settled for tangerines and tangelos. Juice Lady took

  • one look at the imposter fruit and left in a huff. there was to be no juice that day in Mudville. Plenty of fruit cocktail, though, if you're into that kind of thing.



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