All stories are love stories.

  • All stories are love stories.
  • Except this one. While writing my outline, I decided this story should focus instead on the irreverent adventures of Detective Manatee, who today would be investigating the
  • disappearance of Clamydia, the winsome mermaid of the Yellow Sea. Det. Manatee began by interviewing VInce, the last viper fish who had seen her. "I saw her with the sea cucumbers,
  • I saw her with land sharks, I saw her with the damned spaghetti squash!" Det. Manatee swung around, his skin itched from the sea lice. Vince the viper fish had said enough.
  • But he kept talking anyway, viperfish having notoriously big mouths. "And then she slept with the fishes, nyah, see-" Vince floated to the top of the tank, courtesy of Jman's itchy
  • anus. He had released his belt and opened his pants to reach around and scratch the itch when his holster slid down the belt, fell to the floor, & discharged twice in Vince's head.
  • He raced to the ER in his undies cradling Vince & laid him on an operating table & wore scrubs in lieu of clothing. A nurse handed him a saw. "But." "Saw now, doc, or we lose him."
  • Confused, holding a bone saw, he looked down at Vince on the operating table. "Where?" The nurse shook him and pointed, "On the dotted line! Hurry!"
  • The doctor signed on the dotted line and he and Vince were married that very day, in the sight of God, at Elvis' Lucky Wedding Chapel IV. Vince died soon afterward, and the doctor
  • didn't know what to do. He attended the funeral and paid his respects, then continued his life with him in mind throughout the rest of his days at the job.


  1. ACN May 21 2018 @ 14:40

    Woab, I'm sorry to break it to you...

  2. IceSquad May 21 2018 @ 14:53

    Woab, you peeked at the first fold!

  3. KieferSkunk May 21 2018 @ 14:53

    "Please saw on the dotted line". And other phrases you don't hear in everyday English.

  4. KieferSkunk May 21 2018 @ 14:54

    Also, I guess it turned out to be a love story after all. :)

  5. ACN May 21 2018 @ 15:54

    Between a man and a man

  6. KieferSkunk May 21 2018 @ 15:58

    Nothing wrong with that. I thought it was between a man and a fish, though.

  7. IceSquad May 21 2018 @ 16:00

    One of whom shot the other fatally in the head- twice. Realism is a key component at FoldingStory.

  8. LordVacuity May 21 2018 @ 16:04

    In Jman's defese, he did think he was alone behind the two way mirror.

  9. LordVacuity May 21 2018 @ 16:07

    Hey Doc, you are a gay fish lover & killer. You better watch out for Manatee, you killed his star witness.

  10. LordVacuity May 21 2018 @ 16:08

    Now, we may never know what happened to Clamydia.

  11. LordVacuity May 21 2018 @ 16:09

    That Clamydia sounds like she really gets around.

  12. LordVacuity May 21 2018 @ 16:12

    I think that unlicensed field surgeon is not a doctor but Jman.

  13. PurpleProf May 21 2018 @ 22:49

    Here is what happened to Clamydia: http://foldingstory.com/7whe8/

  14. IceSquad May 22 2018 @ 01:17

    This is what became of "Doc" Jman: https://youtu.be/notKtAgfwDA?list=RDnotKtAgfwDA

  15. Woab May 22 2018 @ 11:22

    I totally didn't peek! I don't even know how. Now, off to the offshoots to write more romantic novels with all of you.

  16. lucielucie May 23 2018 @ 16:56

    Maybe every story is a love story.

  17. BlastedHeath May 26 2018 @ 21:40

    Lucielucie, I wish that were so.

  18. ACN May 26 2018 @ 23:01

    Top story of the month! Congrats!

  19. Woab Jun 03 2018 @ 18:08

    All stories are love stories, except this one and many others. This one os more like a love letter to Folding Story.

  20. BlastedHeath Jun 03 2018 @ 21:21

    Just don't use your full vocabulary, and please stunt your imagination so that everyone can feel included.

  21. BlastedHeath Jun 03 2018 @ 21:47

    Just phoning it in from the 451.

  22. SlimWhitman Jun 08 2018 @ 09:08

    Blasted, please don't limit your writing or your imagination here, but there will be disappointments. There are many ideas of what a foldingstory is, and many types of writers participating. I guess that rare diamond that develops an idea fully is a pleasure that derives some of its charm from the fact that it is difficult.

  23. lucielucie Jun 09 2018 @ 04:37

    @ BH - I can dream that it's so!! @SW - such words of wisdom!

  24. BlastedHeath Jun 10 2018 @ 18:35

    @LL - You are probably right after all.

  25. LunaSta Jun 11 2018 @ 04:18

    If all stories are love stories, can this still be a love story? Or is it not? In an alternate universe will it be a love story?

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