Beans beans the magical fruit, the more you

  • Beans beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you.. But they're not fruit. Beans beans, good for the heart the more you eat the more you.. Not so says epidemiology. Bean

  • s beans the grainy legume, if you eat lots your butt will fume. If your butt fumes, your mother will squeal, so eat those beans for every meal. This school play on bodily functions

  • was, for once, AWESOME! This year we were rapping about beans and butt fumes and going vegan. laughing and farting all over the place. Our school play literally stank, but we

  • managed to make the best of it--despite the stench. However, for some it became too overwhelming: I recall seeing my partner fall in a dizzy stupor. The fumes were proving to be

  • a real advantage for the 80 Years & Over Marathon Running Club members who caught up with the rest of the competitors and whizzed by the

  • public restrooms and not IN the public restrooms. This Octogenarian violent club has to be stopped. Their leader is Lenny Macklebort, AKA Liver Spot. He carries a .45 auto mag

  • Everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Liver Spot wears a fedora hat and fur boots, plus a long coat. He has a conceal and carry permit. He is there to protect his community against

  • Other fedora-boot-wearing-gun-toting types. That Liver Spot was the only one hardly mattered. That he was a 12 foot anthropomorphic dog was very important to Judy.

  • You see, Judy had come from the future in order to find a 12 foot tall anthrpomorphic dog to marry. (Her own dog, Astro was unsuitable.) So when Judy met Liver Spot she knew

  • all she had to do was stretch him another ten inches an he'd be perfect. She stretched & stretched him. This angered him so he bit her head off, literally. Then HE married her dog.



  1. SlimWhitman Apr 15 2017 @ 15:42

    Best school play ever!

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