My creative meditation class took a turn

  • My creative meditation class took a turn to the unnerving the other day. We were planing off the coast of the ancient moon lake when I was jolted awake. Everyone was still in state

  • of Swapna, a sort of dreaming consciousness, when I heard the distant howl coming from the other side of the moon lake. No one else in my meditation class heard it, so I looked out

  • across the lake, trying to identify the source of the howl but it went silent. After a few minutes, whatever it was howled again- it was closer. Everyone else was still unconscious

  • when my dog named 'Dog Breath' came in the room I breathes a sigh of relief. As the others were still unconscious it gave me the chance to play a game of tug-of-war. I won of cours

  • -e because my dog, "Dog Breath" has no legs. Sure, he never let's go of the toy, but I can drag him all over the house.

  • And he makes a great draught excluder. And gets on very well with the postman. In fact, the no-legs thing is nothing short of a blessing. Which is why, when I bought a cat, I swift

  • Ly had her spayed. I cannot have a house of cats. My mum was willing to help out. We both loved cats. There was too much noise for the cats to want to go out. People drive like

  • they regret not asking themselves then what they know now that they should have asked themselves then. Cats are the same way; in their own way. The Way of the Cat (Ch. 38) Eliot te

  • -aches us that we should never ask a cat anything. Not even if the cat wants din-din or walkies. If we really love our cats we should know that they always want din-din and walkies

  • . I have never met a cat who wanted walkies - Cats want in when they're out & out when they're in. I decided either this cat advice was for the dogs or the advisor was barking mad.



  1. Woab Sep 15 2017 @ 11:48

    Of course you're right, Slim. We used to call letting the cat out "letting him out for walkies", but then again, we are somewhat barking mad.

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