The air was thick with fog, and monstrous

  • The air was thick with fog, and monstrous growls could be heard from within.

  • Something was gurgling from deep within the swamp.

  • I stared at it deeply trying to discover what was beneath. As I crept closer toward the water I heard a voice behind me whisper my name, but when I turned around there was no one.

  • "Pssst, it's me, Kermit the frog." I finally spotted him, legs dangling from a rock. "I'm in excruciating pain, since I'm not allowed to die, but everyone needs to. Please kill me.

  • I must say, Kermit’s plea for me to kill him was something I gave serious thought to. I always HATED the Muppets and couldn’t pass up an opportunity to off one of them. So I picked

  • up a knife and lunged at his little felt body full force. Dud. It was a fake knife, and its dull blade slid back into its handle. "Christ!" shouted Kermit, "Can't you do anything?"

  • Miss Piggy was quick to rage. This flaccid excuse for a lover and dreamer was about to croak—not by the blade of his own knife, but instead, by the ham-fisted karate chop of

  • Freedom! Miss Piggy executed the Karate Chop of Freedom upon her geriatric rainbow-connecting Muppet and was instantly whisked off to the magical land of Marionettes, where

  • she could live the rest of her days in bliss, content to be a Muppet forever. For what is it to be a muppet, but to be a puppet, and aren't we all, hoping for freedom to simply be.

  • Be ourselves, give the gifts we have to share, bring joy to children, and hopefully find some yummy snacks to enjoy. She sighed with relief and looked around for her friend Kermy.



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