"Is it wrong?" he asked. "Wrong? What does

  • "Is it wrong?" he asked. "Wrong? What does wrong even mean?" the umpire said. The batter knocked the dirt off his cleats, "I don't know, socially wrong." The umpire smiled, "Hentai

  • The Clown was a terrible name", said the catcher, Steven Wright, "now let's play some ball." Now the batter smiled, "that's what she said" and then struck out.

  • He never could make it to first base, literally OR figuratively! But that was okay - he didn't need women. He didn't need bases. He didn't need ANYTHING. Because he had

  • NEEDAWAY! This revolutionary product not only fulfills all your needs, but it makes sure you never need anything again!" Billy Mays grinned at the camera, giving a thumbs up as he

  • vanished. The ad execs, no longer in need of Mays's services, sprayed him with NEEDAWAY. The utilitarian product teleported Billy to a home in need of sodium percarbonate agents.

  • He couldn't eat for three days,

  • but after that he was famished, so he ate three okonomiyaki, a Maluku baleen whale fry, a beduin stuffed camel, a giant squid on a spit, and goliath beetle skewers. Finally sated

  • he leaned back and belched in satisfaction. This was the life, really, he realized as he looked around. What else could he possibly want? Well, maybe dessert. Crème de la Crustacea

  • The proprietor began to sweat. He knew the kitchen did not have the ingredients for a Creme de la Crustacea. He sent Waldo to the market right away but he would have to stall. He

  • raced about the kitchen; frenetic and paranoid. Where's Waldo?! he shouted. He knew the end was upon him. There would be no soup, no soap, no radio.



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