She shoplifted all the time. It was her "thing."

  • She shoplifted all the time. It was her "thing." She didn't feel guilty either because she knew that retail was just a hot bed of lies. It was her experience at the GAP that

  • led her to believe that Malaysian child slavery was the only way to produce enough anal beads to meet her needs. Unfortunately, her job at BurgerKing had spoiled her into thinking

  • that even anal beads should come with fries and a drink. A Malaysian child slave (who spoke English, somehow) said, "Fast food and a clogged butt are a bad combo. Combo #2, though,

  • is meiwei." I looked at the picture of Combo # 2. Hmmm...nasi lemak with a side of rendang. "OK, I'll try that," I pointed. The Malaysian child slave nodded in approval and

  • quickly took our money and ran off to freedom. I was unphased by the child as I had just spotted an impressive stall selling pink mobile phone covers. "Awesome, I've always wanted

  • a strawberry shortcake phone cover to match with my handbag. But my obsession went further. I arranged for plastic surgery in a private clinic. I would look like her

  • Sister, who was a dead ringer for Yoko Ono. It was one risky cosmetic makeover. It also cost a million dollops. The situation room was glowing red, for some reason.

  • Dr. Strangelove was the first one to notice but had to fight off paralysis so was not able to alert us in time. The detonation caught us all by surprise. They expected YokoOnoTron.

  • What they got was Grandma Lucy and her jar of current jelly in which she had accidentally dropped her dentures. The explosion had propelled her into Dr. Strangelove's laboratory.

  • "A new secret ingredient for my bomb. Here Aunt Lucy ride this current bomb down with me while we end the world." "You loon!" She shouted and snapped her dentures onto his arse.



  1. LordVacuity Apr 06 2017 @ 19:04

    I suspect we will be hearing more about YokoOnoTron. I know me and I can't let any dead horse get away. Even a dark horse. Dark Horse Records was George Harrison's record label.

  2. Woab Apr 07 2017 @ 15:27

    Dark Horse was a great song of his, too.

  3. ValkyrieGrrl Jun 14 2018 @ 03:25

    ...and if anyone could have ushered in the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, it would have been YokoOno...and therefore, I'd venture to guess this futuristic YokoOnoTron heroine, what with all the strawberry shortcake, Atomic bombs, anal beads, plastic surgery and of course, Grandma (and Aunt?) Lucy all conspiring to bring about Armageddon all at once...(as they are all wont to do), I'd say you'd have a real great party at the VERY least!

  4. LordVacuity Jun 14 2018 @ 20:32

    Charles Manson thought the Beatles were the locusts mentioned in Revelations 9, so I guess Yoko might have a role in Armageddon also.

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