When Amy finally woke up in the hospital

  • When Amy finally woke up in the hospital after a week-long coma, she discovered an engagement ring on her left hand. She felt desperately in love but unfortunately, amnesia

  • erased all traces of the man she was in love with. It was then that the strange man walked into the room. "Laura, you're awake." He walked up to kiss her but she turned her head

  • all the way around like an owl. The strange man then pulled a crucifix out of a leather bag. "Out Fowl Spirit!" Laura blinked. "Don't you see I just need a cup of coffee? Jeez."

  • Laura made crazy Michelle Bauchman eyes and the strange man's crucifix burst into flames, she

  • 'd mastered the art of PK fire & brimstone. God brought the Second Flood to put out the fire, but Laura stared down the rain; it evaporated before it hit the ground. God countered

  • with metaphysical postmodernist heuristic protoconceptualism and Laura had to check through her Earthbound player's guide. Odd, God wasn't listed. His multiphasic discombobulation

  • thwarted his ability to articulate long words until he could only utter short grunts. Ugggh. Ooomph. Rheep. His mind, however, was another story. Laura flung the guide into a

  • pit of acid, because she needed no guides, and he had been ready to pull a dagger on her. She was sure of it. She turned on the Terribly Amazing Rhetorical Iteration Service alert.

  • The service alert blared pompously in the the man's face and repeated itself twice, before his head began throbbing and he begged her, "Please shut if off!" "Can't - sorry!

  • "Later he heard "This concludes this test of the Emergency Broadcast System" & realized weeks in the bunker eating spam & finally eating her were unnecessary. At least it was quiet



  1. sundancer Nov 28 2013 @ 19:28

    Did the "strange man" have amnesia, too? Because he called Amy "Laura!" Laura's name made it all the way down the story... and they both stayed the main characters throughout. That almost never happens!

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