Slick Willy loading the half-empty clip into

  • Slick Willy loading the half-empty clip into his Beretta. He had to do this. Didn't want to, but had to, otherwise the garbage men would keep taking his home from him. He walked to

  • Timbuktu to meet Bob Marley. Slick Willy and Bob were about to stand up for the rights of

  • elevated octopi, bred as slave labor. They serve short, horrid lives in the gas-mines of Centius Majoris. The pair had settled on protest first, but Bob had other ideas.

  • Mate with the octopi and form a new species; one that could eventually grow strong enough, through selective breeding practices, to

  • open peanut butter jars when it's cold outside. These Octopi would have to be kept in hover aquariums equipped with a voice-speak device. That's where our story begins

  • ...well, almost. You need a few more background details before we can move on. I know this story is off to a slow start, but you have to first understand that the Octopi hovering

  • ... or is it octopusses? (-podes?) I know it is Greek, let me look it up. (Hmmmm.... nothing.) Anyway a whole group of them where hovering over our RV.

  • "Hey!" yelled Thelma.,"look at them hovering octopuses." Barry looked out of the RV's porthole. "It's octopi isn't it?" "No, that's based on a misunderstanding of Latin grammar,"

  • "Octopodes" said baby Bubba in the car seat. Thelma was ecstatic - his first words! In their excitement, Barry opened the porthole for some fresh air and flooded the RV with

  • sunlight, which immediately caused the baby to burst into flames - as it was a vampire, of course. Thelma rocked herself in further ecstasy, "Good, precocious vampire babies suck."



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