He was Satan and he'd totally taken Chthonian

  • He was Satan and he'd totally taken Chthonian glee in making an evil deal with Krispy Kreme donuts that had promised them popularity but

  • robbed every member of the staff of their ability to flee crime scenes. So when the ritual murders started at every location, every employee was rooted to their spot, bathing in

  • their own self inflated egos, spinning on the spot until the police arrived, toting sawn off shot guns & brandishing bottles of guava halves. This only added to the

  • long line of turned-on ladies. But first they had to lose LA's finest, lest they go to prison with its long line of turned-on gentlemen. Tommy grabbed a megaphone and demanded

  • that they practice their ice-breakers on each other. I of course had been waiting weeks for this moment. I greeted the first woman I saw, "So, how's your menstrual cycle?"

  • She looked affronted. It was only then that I realize that she was actually a he, because

  • of the rise I got out of him. I knew the truth now & he knew that I knew...& quickly sat down to hide his affrontation. Just to mess with him/her, I pretended that I didn't know.

  • He pretended he didn't know he knew that I knew. Just then his affrontation started to groan quietly. Way to stay hidden! I got up immediately. His affrontation, now exposed, slowl

  • y went down as he began to reveal that he knew that I knew. I was scared. I was terrified. He came to me, and whispered

  • "I want you inside me"



  1. PurpleProf Aug 29 2013 @ 18:43

    I want Krispy Kremes inside me.

  2. lucielucie Aug 30 2013 @ 09:26

    Sorry - only Satan's available, PP.

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