"Oh my... it looks like a hard rain's a-gonna

  • "Oh my... it looks like a hard rain's a-gonna fall" Said Ma Gerita. "May the wrath of god and water and wind wash me away, and take me out of this misery", replied Father Jerry

  • Jerry and Gretta outstreched their hands to meet the tempest. "We are ready O, Lord!" God looked down from on high. "Oh get over yourselves, I'm just doing a little washing up."

  • Jerry and Gretta dropped their arms, disappointed, and wondered again how they were going to find their way out of this handbasket. "You know," whined Gretta. "This is all your

  • vineyard?" Gretta complained. "I can't believe it. I was so nice to that old bag and she left you this Vineyard." Jerry smiled, "Look it ain't vineyard exactly, it's a

  • dirtyard now, with it getting neglected all these years." "Still, Gran left me nothing," Gretta frowned. "Nothing but this worthless two-year-old's painting." Little did she know,

  • Her Grandma was still alive and heard every word she said. Gran appeared, "How dare you find your own painting worthless!" Gretta bowed before Gran and apologised profusely.

  • So Gretta boasted about her pudding paintings to friends & neighbors & involved them in their production.A great pool of pudding was made & everyone jumped in, but when her Granny

  • thought they were edible, and all the pudding paintings were suddenly featured in the museum of her stomach. My poor and naive grandma, if only she had opened the

  • floodgates we could have washed away all this nastiness without the whole world knowing how nasty we could get, except for this time, when we really needed to be nasty but weren't.

  • we felt wrong, for wanting the world to be wrong. we felt lost, in our need for the world being a bad and disgusting place. we decided to kill the man, for the world needed hatred.



  1. Dobeye Aug 15 2017 @ 20:55

    sorry for ruining the story

  2. LordVacuity Aug 15 2017 @ 21:04

    but hatred needs to be suppressed to fester, to grow and fester. Fester faster and faster. Don't allow the filibuster!

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