In the boardroom - 15 farts in suits & me.

  • In the boardroom - 15 farts in suits & me. The fund manager gives me a note - a small cock+balls. I draw a heart round it & push it back. Not laughing - max points to me! The Chair

  • bolted upright, waking suddenly from a little snooze. Had he been snoring? Other members were eyeballing him. One guy at the end taking notes was trying to keep a straight face

  • right side up that was floating in the mud puddle. Some school boy had put the straight face in the water and pretended it was a boat. Now he stood up and kicked the face clear

  • Of the blue gunk shooting out of nowhere. This was no ordinary blue gunk. It was very thick and heavy. I ran home and locked the door. My mum saw the indigo children and the blue

  • Smurf blood all over the place and immediately took away their car keys. "Now children, what have I told you about road raging in Smurf Village? Go sit in your corners!" The

  • children wept silently as I went out in the streets to sweep all the Smurf blood down the gutters and put all the blue smeared hats and togs into a vat of bleach for recycling. The

  • My next creation would have not sky blue skin, but slimy green skin, so I dyed the former Smurf hats pink which offset nicely. The Slurgs were ready by Thanksgiving.

  • The night before leaving to her mother's for Thanksgiving, Mr. Slurg was awoken around 3AM by Somebody who said he wasn't the Somebody he definitely was. The Pemberton account had

  • crumbled and gone and as Mr. Slurg was the one in charge of the whole shabang, it was his head on the chopping block. He had planned to kill himself but now Somebody was here.

  • They'd have to just watch, he decided. A young man he hadn't seen before entered the room and looked at Mr. Slurg. Mr.Slurg said, so long, kid, right before blowing his brains out.



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