Odd like things go wrong in a blink of an

  • Odd like things go wrong in a blink of an eye!Let's take Mark as an example:yesterday he woke up feeling good,it was a sunny day in LA.In 4 hours he would go to NY,but when he left

  • for LAX, Mark noticed no one was on the highway. The sky had a slight red-orange tinge to it and the clouds where forming ominous thunder heads. At the airport, the rain fell.

  • He ran from the empty parking lot to departures & checked his suitcase. The flight attendant looked at his passport, smiled & said, "Ah Mr. Zuckerman, we've been waiting for you."

  • "Thanks for waiting for me," he gasped. "Of all the days I could end up stranded, it had to be 45 minutes before my flight". He reflected on his bad luck, then ran to his gate.

  • His flight had switched gates. He turned to the agent behind the desk. She was on the cellphone planning her mother's funeral. Everytime I tried to ask her where the flight was

  • she'd shush me and tell me to shut the F*** up. I rolled my eyes. Delta Airlines had the worst customer service. I didn't care if her mother just died. I had to get on that flight.

  • "I can do a flight that refuels 30,000 feet in the air at the circumcenter of the Bermuda Triangle if that's what it takes." "That IS what it takes." I soon met her mother in He

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