The fletcher handed a silver tipped arrow

  • The fletcher handed a silver tipped arrow to him. They'd never hit their mark, but they had to appear valuable enough that they would not be wasted when the sheriff came to check

  • out his ass in those skin-tight jeans that were all the rage these days. At least he didn't have to wear Ed Hardy any more. But, the problem with the tight fit was that

  • he was a blue ribbon cockknocker working the PM shift at Guitar Center. He would slap guitars out of people's hands and tell them not to quit their day job, then sing Roxette cover

  • na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na... She got the look from her mother. You know the look I'm talking about when

  • you start singing old Beatles songs on the tube, and you don't realise you're doing it? Well, her mother just

  • did that and realized that she had made a complete fool of herself. Her daughter just stood there with her

  • stacks of Girl Scout Cookies. Little Becky was used to having a Mother with Tourettes, but it certainly reduced her cookie sales when Mom would spew four letter words at customers.

  • "Please Mom," said Becky. Let me do this myself. We have not sold any cookies but have made our neighbors think you are crazy. Little Becky had tried to be patient

  • As she took her skirt out of the dryer. "I washed it in scalding water so it will fit like a glove. NOW lets see them not want my cookies" as she squeeezed into the skirt.

  • But alas, after all her trouble no one did want her cookies. Not only that, but the skirt was so tight that it melded to her skin, and she died trying to take it off.



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