Be the first on your block to own your very

  • Be the first on your block to own your very own urine-powered ecobot! It vacuums, it it takes out the garbage it cooks! One good long piss in the morning & your ecobot's good to go

  • all day long! Questions?" "Does it smell like pee?" "Yes!" "Will it cook asparagus?" "Yes, but not recommended!" "What about #2?" "No, the urine-powered ecobot will not work on #2"

  • "Can the urine-powered ecobot solve world hunger?" The presenter paused for a moment, then replied, "Why, yes it can! In fact, the Urine-Powered EcoBot can

  • generate pee soup! Allow me to demonstrate." The presenter turned around. Moments later, he was handing out sample mugs of steaming delicious yellow nutrient-rich Ecobot soup. "Try

  • this! And here's a coupon you can use!" One crotchety old lady shouted, "Don't smell too good! Smells like my husband's trousers!" The Ecobot presenter was indignant. "Our pee soup

  • is one of our top sellers! Surprise your friends, win over your boss," said Ecobot. "But wait, there's more! Buy now, and you'll get a complimentary urinal shaped serving bowl!"

  • It was sad to see what happened to Ecobot. He was just soulless shill. He used to be the prince of Robots, riding high. No one forgot his smash single, "When A Robot Loves A Woman

  • he cannot keep his microchips on nothing else!" But that woman was a different breed and their relationship was not permitted in her world, his world didn't care because they were

  • about to be blown to smithereens by some damn graviton wave or something, and he didn't want to bring that kind of grief to their relationship, but he wished her well on her quest

  • to claim what was hers. Tomorrow they will all be gone and the end of this insanity will be over. At least it will be over for me. Afterwards, it will be all mine to ponder.



  1. SlimWhitman Jan 05 2014 @ 20:41

    Urine powered robots really exist and that just begged for a folding story.

  2. 49erFaithful Jan 06 2014 @ 12:24

    Contact me when they create a fart-powered home energy system. I'll be off the grid in no time.

  3. 49erFaithful Jan 06 2014 @ 12:38

    TMI? :-D

  4. PurpleProf Jan 06 2014 @ 20:59

    LOL! My husband could power all of South Carolina if that ever happened!

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