I couldn't believe what had just happened.

  • I couldn't believe what had just happened. My heart raced and my head pounded. Was I dreaming or could this actually be real?

  • I pinched myself, it was all definitely real. James had actually asked me out in broad daylight. I wasn't even a popular girl, but I sure would be if I said yes. I told him that I

  • always admired him in class, but I never had the guts to say hi. And then at that moment,

  • He turned around and asked to borrow a pencil. I gasped and said

  • "Put it away! Put it away right now! If you don't put it away, so help me I'll..." I averted my eyes & shoved the pencil at him across the desk. He picked it up & put it behind his

  • H.R. Pufnstuf lunchbox. "What's your deal with your weird thing about pencils?" he asked sulkily. "What's your deal with your lunchbox? Is that some obscure U.S. TV thing?"

  • Pufnstuf grabbed his lunchbox and held it close, "Don't say anything about The Walking Dead. I can get you fired!"

  • Pufnstuf was very touchy about those kinda things, after getting out of rehab for the third time, he was on the straight & narrow. His 'The Walking Dead' lunchbox contained a stash

  • Of little candies. He was told to avoid all things that had addictive properties, but what harm could a little sugar do? He unwrapped the little packages only to find

  • other little packages. He opened those little packages & found even littler packages. After he opened those little packages, he found 1 grain of granulated sugar. He ate it & died.



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