"Have you ever noticed how the titles for

  • "Have you ever noticed how the titles for online porn videos sound an awful lot like Indian names?" My wife's observations had grown inane since receiving the iPad, a gift from

  • Chief Blowjob Impossible & his wife, Bravetart. She'd also given up all communications with the family & played 2048 - Benedict Cumberbatch vs Otters 24/7. My wife's ipad habit was

  • legendary and she brought in mad coin off the BeaverBrowsers live view site. Still, what had started as a dalliance had given the Chief the worst case of blue balls in history.

  • With her pearl necklace & lacy apron, June Cleaver was the star. The Chief was addicted to the Leave It to BeaverBrowsers live view site & June became his obsession. He couldn't

  • eat or sleep which is how the Chief died in the very room." Alan let that sink in. "His bones were plastered into the walls." Alan's children listened with wide eyes. "Sleep tight"

  • The children could have sworn they saw the bones march across the ceiling. They thought at any moment the shadows would drop and hit them.

  • They kept the nightlight on to keep the bones away, but they found the bones napping on their next day's school outfits, chosen by Mum. Mum spoke gently to the bones: "I prithee

  • wilst thou not waste our garments with thine boney imprints?" The bones clattered off our school clothes onto the floor, and out the door they rolled. They were seen rolling toward

  • s the park to perform a Rolling Bones concert. There wasn't a moist eye in the crowd as Darryl Bones belted out "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" using Wood's ribcage for percussion. It

  • made a hollow tingling sound that made the undead need to pee but skeletons don't have pee parts. So they dance around insanely trying to hold in there phantom wiz. It failed! Sss



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