She was pissed off and really needed a cigarrette

  • She was pissed off and really needed a cigarrette but it was her last one.Chris couldn't decide either to save it for later or to burn the thing right now.Fights about money drove

  • their marriage into a blissful state of bitterness and concentrated sex. In fact, he purposefully overspent on stupid crap to start hysteric fights that ended in hard pumping sex.

  • For instance, he once purchased a PivoTrim, Eggies, and a SunSetter Retractable Awning, all with expedited shipping. His wife immediately shoved him to the ground and grabbed

  • at his zipper in a furious frenzy to make post-Home Shopping Network love. After that episode their credit card bills escalated rapidly. The extra storage unit they'd rented to

  • store the Tummy Winder and the "Real gold" watches filled to brimming. But they couldn't stop themselves. Every purchase got him a quicky and when the item arrived, well,

  • total bliss engulfed him. But a brief consolation it was. After an hour, the tremors would start again and sweat would start pouring down his face. He praised the 24-h economy that

  • alerted the mayor. "Your goats in my garden.", he chuzwuzzled in a low, breathy manner through the female waffle

  • house employee who he had chosen as a hostage. Bad day for him as this particular lass was former Mossad and turned spatula ready to strike at bone.

  • The female spatula-terrorist (I think?) whacked him in the knee. It hurt. Then the other Mossad kitchen utensils detonated his eggs. Yolk spattered everywhere, on the counters,

  • across the kitchen sink and in the light fittings. What a mess. Pot and pans evacuated to a refugee camp. His cooking was bad but the kitchen war was worse.



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