Finished Folds (1—16)
1his way to the top, don't fall now! Although it's not as far to the bottom as you may believe it to be. But still, such a low bottom it is there. So low, and so very moist. Feel
1I discovered garbage can filled with Burger King cheesecake. I was told they were riddled with bacterias.
1alerted the mayor. "Your goats in my garden.", he chuzwuzzled in a low, breathy manner through the female waffle
3With this realization that the shnozberries Really tasted like shnozberrie and that grandpa really could walk. It was all a sham, a sham called life.
3Panda bear greens, reminescent of Gallgher's watermelon shrapnel,
1Immediately, he began tearing up shrubberies and stuffing them into a near-by phone box. The sight of this pleased those inside the Bhaji Burger so much
1then he must be prepared for th greenish hue it will take on. How would one go about juicing
0"Magnifico! Everything!" Everyday, in meeting the product there's always something on a spiral to the hungry.
2same-same knew there was something in it, being back from service in some far-away country. Bunny Cake's delicious dipping fills a bag
2served up by "The People's Panic Alert", it quiets as you rise and you didn't lift a finger, but the pungent odor's set deep.
3as our forefathers did in Bhopal, upon the shore of all-night amethyst. Killers
3and wild testiculations. The vapor rings encircling the pendulous marble bags were almost visible through the multiple layers of befouled sweat pants
4riddle that would tinkle forth the oh-so-sweet inquiry of early morning dew
1cascading viral spin-offs meant to infect
3right on up into the stratosphere and beyond into the Milky Bar Nebula