I suffer from foldingstory Déjà-vu. You

  • I suffer from foldingstory Déjà-vu. You may think I mean when I add to a story, I have the feeling that I have seen this line somewhere before, but its much more disturbing than

  • suffering from foldingstory Déjà-vu. You may think I mean when I add to a story.... wait a minute...

  • Have I read this before in a fold? It must be a flashback. Dr. Rosenfudli said it's just chronic fold fatigue syndrome. I should talk back to the fold. "You are a figment of my

  • imagination. I can't be having a conversation with you now go away and I'll pretend this never happened." The Fold was sad. It had been a long time since anyone had

  • broken 90 on the like-points skill. The Fold wept until its tear ducts ran dry. After three weeks of bored paralysis, the Fold decided to take matters into its own hands. It

  • popped its knuckles and decided to face this bully head-on. The Fold wouldn't let a mere 90 like-points skill stop him! He went out to find liable candidates to help him

  • Fold these almost finished stories, numbering about 1906.

  • 1906 was a good year in America, if you happened to be a white guy with lotsa money, which of course, I was not. But I managed as well as I could, dancing for nickels on the

  • outskirts of Hoover towns all along the east coast from Hogshead to North Hogshead. Mind you this was 20 years before Hoover became president. So I dance my ass off for those nicke

  • ls and dimes they throw and laugh as i think about stupid president hoover. Stupid guy couldn't get us out of the depression. Thats what drugs are for. Lots of psychotropic goods



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