Lin sat in the parking lot with the Chevy

  • Lin sat in the parking lot with the Chevy in idle looking inconspicuous. "What was taking K & Jitter so long? An easy job" they said! Then K entered alone. "Go!" she she yelled.

  • Lin took a long drag of her cigarette and offered one to Chevy. He shook his head, fingers tracing scars on his arm where K & Jitter burnt him from a failed job two weeks prior.

  • J, K & L were always dousing HIM with accelerants & setting HIM on fire. But he healed quickly, buildings burned easily. Chevy just couldn't take a hint. L burned him with her cig.

  • But Chevy just kept on making movies and stuff, humor aside. Chevy was just about to give up comedy all together when a very fortunate and strange thing happened. When he went

  • to the bathroom a genie appeared out of the toilet not just any genie this genie was magnificent he looked as if

  • he was from medieval times. He was

  • dressed as a knight, but acted the fool. Of course, that's not entirely surprising since he'd won Employee of the Year and Fan Favorite for eight years running. Still, one might

  • suggest that he didn't get all these accolades the legit way , because him and the boss are 2nd cousins removed from the boss' mother's side. I mean they walk around looking so

  • smug & if he don't get his own way he just says, "Oh, my second cousin twice removed on my mother's side aka YOUR BOSS will hear about this, Mark my words young fella me lad." And

  • that's what's known as manipulation, you see. That and the fact that blood is thicker than water. So in the end, the lad did what he was told. Sucka.



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